Welcome to our website. Here you can learn about the vision, activities and monthly schedule of Karma Changchub Ling and its Mahasangha Space.
Annual Appeal 2024
As the calendar year comes to an end, we would like to express our genuine gratitude to the sangha members who continue to offer their energy, time and financial support to KCCL. The year 2024 has been one of further expanding our mahasangha cooperation, thus enabling successful and impactful developments for the Buddhist community.
“Sons and Daughters of Noble Family” Lecture Series
On July 14, David Karma Choepel and Lodro Sangpo engaged in a discussion on Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Gampo Abbey, Sopa Chöling three-year retreat center and Karma Changchub Ling (KCCL). If you want to watch their lecture, click here.
You can also see separately a lovely slideshow on Gampo Abbey, Söpa Chöling and Karma Changchub Ling (KCCL) which was used by Lodrö Sangpo for his presentation.
“Creating a Solid Future”: KCCL Capital Campaign 2024
During the more than 3 years of running our center on Young Avenue in Halifax we have served the local sangha by providing classes, feast practice and daily meditation practice as well as hosting visiting teachers and renting out our Mahasangha space. It feels that we are now well established in Halifax and are looking to stabilizing our future.
Memorable Official Opening of KCCL
Including talks by
His Holiness Karmapa, Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche and Mindrölling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche,
and photos by Marvin Moore
The day chosen for our KCCL Opening Celebration was Vaishakha Day—the most auspicious day in the Tibetan calendar celebrating the birth, death and enlightenment of Shakyamuni Buddha.
KCCL “Heart in the City” Video
Watch Karma Changchub Ling Young Avenue visual tour (produced by Bob Zimmerman) so that you can see what has been accomplished and is in the works. All of this was completed at lower cost than estimated due to the extensive volunteer efforts and donations of furnishings and materials by local sangha members. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K36mNy0tvx4
Invitation to support us
KCCL and its residential meditation center is geared toward serving others. To maintain a center that provides an uplifted space for its residents as well as also for friends and like-minded people to join in, we need additional financial backing. We invite you to financially support us, if you have the means and willingness to do so. All donations from Canada and the US are tax deductible.
How to stay in touch
Please sign up for our mailing list to learn about our activities and special events.
Check out our residential calendar and other news on our website.
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