Karma Changchub Ling is an expression of our devotion to the growth and deepening of the practices and teachings of the Karma Kagyü lineage together with its ties to the Nyingma lineage. We will continually seek and follow the spiritual guidance of our spiritual advisors, and follow the lines established by the V.V. Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and the V.V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche.

As a residential meditation center, KCCL provides spaces for Buddhist and related practices and studies, which we call “the Mahasangha space as inspired by the Rimé (‘unbiased’) movement”.

“The Rimé movement is a movement or tendency in Tibetan Buddhism which promotes non-sectarianism and universalism. Teachers from all branches of Tibetan Buddhism — Sakya, Kagyu, Nyingma, Jonang and Gelug, as well as Bon — have been involved in the promoting Rimé ideals. […]

The Rimé movement was intended to recognize the differences between traditions and appreciate them, while also establishing a dialogue which would create common ground. It is considered important that variety be preserved, and therefore Rimé teachers are generally careful to emphasize differences in thought, giving students many options as to how to proceed in their spiritual training.” (Wikipedia)

For those groups and individuals who wish to make regular or occasional use of KCCL’s designated rental space for their own practices and programs, please contact our Mahasangha space manager Katherine Munro mahasangha.contact@gmail.com for inquiries and scheduling events, and also for KCCL’s simple guidelines for the Mahasangha space use.

Mahasangha Upcoming Events

Mahasangha Level 871 Young Ave, Hfx; Enter off Atlantic St through Torii gate & fence
KCCL Mahasangha Level; 871 Young Ave, Halifax w/entry off Atlantic St thru Torii gate & fence
Mahasangha Shrine room at 871 Young Ave, Halifax; Enter off Atlantic St thru Torii gate
KCCL Mahasangha Level; 871 Young Ave, Halifax w/entry off Atlantic St through Torii gate
KCCL Mahasangha Level; 871 Young Ave, Halifax w/entry off Atlantic St thru Torii gate & fence
MAHASSANGHA Level 871 Young Ave, Hfx; Enter from Atlantic St thru Torii Gate & Fence
MAIN FLOOR Shrine room at 871 Young Ave, Hfx; Enter off Young Ave - this week only