Philosophy and Practice of Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakosha: class 9 of 10

Hybrid event: The Philosophy and Practice of Vasubandhu's Abhidharma-kosha-bhashya (10 classes) Chapter VI: Exposition of the Path (class 9 of 10) A course taught by Lodro Sangpo Saturday, January 21, 2–5pm (AT) Description:  Vasubandhu's Abdhidharmakoshabhashya, the classical text of the Foundational vehicle which is fundamental for the study of the Mahayana and Vajrayana, and Mahamudra and Sadhana practice. Who [...]

First Mahasangha Sadhana of Mahamudra Practice (at HSC)

First Mahasangha Sadhana of Mahamudra Practice (at HSC) Saturday, January 21, from 5:00–6:00pm Description: This event will be the first monthly new moon Mahasangha Sadhana of Mahamudra practice for which the various local Buddhist groups join together alternating between the Halifax Shambhala Centre and KCCL. People can also join online via Ocean which will offer the Zoom room and publicize [...]

Philosophy and Practice of Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakosha (class 10 of 10)

The Philosophy and Practice of Vasubandhu's Abhidharma-kosha-bhashya (10 classes) Chapter VII and VIII: The Exposition of the Cognitions and Meditative Attainments (class 10 of 10) A course taught by Lodro Sangpo Sunday, January 22, 2–5pm (AT) Description:  Vasubandhu's Abdhidharmakoshabhashya, the classical text of the Foundational vehicle which is fundamental for the study of the Mahayana and Vajrayana, and Mahamudra and Sadhana [...]


You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also [...]

Outer, inner and secret levels of mindfulness practice (2 of 6)

Outer, inner and secret levels of mindfulness practice (2 of 6) Taught by Lodro Sangpo  Monday, January 23, starting at 7pm Description: Although there are many styles of mindfulness practice, they can be distinguished into three: (1) the "Classical", (2) the "Nondual" and (3) the "Contemporary". This course will mainly focus (1) on the "classical" Buddhist mindfulness style which is rooted in the [...]


You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also request you to wear masks to accommodate everyone “safely”: 902-454-5335;

Mamo Chants

Mamo Chants for tantrikas February 10–19, daily from 4:15pm to 4:45pm This year Shambhala Day is Tuesday, February 21st, marking the beginning of a new annual cycle. To dispel the karmic accumulation of personal, social, and environmental chaos at the year’s end, tantrikas are encouraged to practice as much as possible in the ten-day period [...]

Sitting Practice

Sitting Practice  Every Wednesday from 9:00am to 11:00am You can join the residents for our weekly Wednesday sitting practice sessions (shamatha-vipashyana mahamudra). The two sessions will start at 9am and at 10am. Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but [...]


You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also request you to wear masks to accommodate everyone “safely”: 902-454-5335;


You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also request you to wear masks to accommodate everyone “safely”: 902-454-5335;


You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also request you to wear masks to accommodate everyone “safely”: 902-454-5335;

Jambhala Practice for sadhakas

Jambhala Practice for Sadhakas Thursday, January 29 from 9:00am to 9:30am You are courteously invited to informally join KCCL’s residents to practice the black Jambhala Sadhana. The black Jambhala liturgy, called “The Heart of Siddhi”, is included in the Rinchen Terdzö, and derives from a longer terma drawn out by the great tertön, Chökyi Wangchuk. The sādhana was edited into its present [...]