5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (shamatha-vipashyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).

8–10am Vajrayoginī

Please feel free to join our daily Vajrayāna morning practice. We in general practice from 8–10am Vajrayoginī, but prior and post to the Chakrasaṃvara Feast Day and Intensive Day, we practice Chakrasaṃvara from 8–10am. And yes, on Wednesday mornings we have Mindfulness practice from 8–11am. Please check our monthly calendar for specifics: https://www.kccl.ca/events/month/ Whoever has received [...]

5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (shamatha-vipashyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).

8–10am Vajrayoginī

Please feel free to join our daily Vajrayāna morning practice. We in general practice from 8–10am Vajrayoginī, but prior and post to the Chakrasaṃvara Feast Day and Intensive Day, we practice Chakrasaṃvara from 8–10am. And yes, on Wednesday mornings we have Mindfulness practice from 8–11am. Please check our monthly calendar for specifics: https://www.kccl.ca/events/month/ Whoever has received [...]

5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (shamatha-vipashyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).

Milarepa Day Celebration (at Shambhala center)

This year we will be celebrating Milarepa Day at the Halifax Shambhala Center (https://halifax.shambhala.org/program-details/?id=278510). The Milarepa Day celebrations are open to the public and will involve reading the entire Rain of Wisdom.  The day begins with opening the Milarepa Sadhana and ends with closing it. Participants can take part in any section of the day they [...]

6–8am Sojong (15)

Sojong (Poṣhadha): The Meaning of Poṣhadha In Indian Hindu societies, members of the community regularly observe rites for renewing their connection with virtue. The days of the new and full moons are regarded as holy and set aside for purification of non-virtue and re-establishment of virtue. Those days, and the purification rites performed on those [...]

10am–12:30pm Chötrul Düchen Day

KCCL , Canada

Chötrul Düchen Day (Great Day of Miraculous Manifestations): Please join us — between 10am and 12:30pm — in the feast practice of the Buddha Sadhana for a celebration of Chötrul Düchen (Festival of the Buddha's Great Miracles). If you want to, you can also join us for the Sojong (Poṣhadha) ceremony from 6am to 8am. Brief description [...]

8–10am Vajrayoginī

Please feel free to join our daily Vajrayāna morning practice. We in general practice from 8–10am Vajrayoginī, but prior and post to the Chakrasaṃvara Feast Day and Intensive Day, we practice Chakrasaṃvara from 8–10am. And yes, on Wednesday mornings we have Mindfulness practice from 8–11am. Please check our monthly calendar for specifics: https://www.kccl.ca/events/month/ Whoever has received [...]

5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (shamatha-vipashyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).

8–11am Mindfulness practice

Please join us for our weekly 8–11 am “mindfulness practice” sessions. Who can attend: Everybody. In particular, beginning students are welcome. If you need beginning instruction on mindfulness (= shamatha) practice, please get in touch with us beforehand. Even though mindfulness practice is, in comparison to tantric practice, a “quick entry” practice, it can also be seen [...]