5–6pm Sitting

You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: "Masks optional", but if more people than expected show up, we might [...]

2:00–7:00pm Chakrasamvara Feast (HSC)

Chakrasamvara Feast (online, or in person at KCCL) Offered by the Halifax Vajra Sangha as a collaboration between the Halifax Shambhala Center, Shambhala Online, Ocean, and Karma Changchub Ling Hosted by HSC and Ocean Sunday, April 10, from 2–7pm Atlantic Time Prerequisite: Open to sadhakas who have received the Chakrasamvara abhisheka, and have their own [...]

7–8:00am Morning chants and Sitting

You are welcome to join the morning chants and sitting practice at KCCL. Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also request you to wear masks to accommodate everyone [...]

5–6pm Sitting

You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: "Masks optional", but if more people than expected show up, we might [...]

7–8:30pm Key Figures of the Mahamudra Lineage Tree

HYBRID EVENT: Key Figures of the Mahamudra Lineage Tree  Taught by Lodrö Sangpo Open to everyone Hosted by Ocean Four weekly Monday classes, starting April 11, from 7:00–8:30 pm In this course we will discuss and explore many of the Mahamudra lineage holders — their bios and uniqueness — as found in the Kagyu lineage tree. This class is [...]

7–8:00am Morning chants and Sitting

You are welcome to join the morning chants and sitting practice at KCCL. Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also request you to wear masks to accommodate everyone [...]

5–6pm Sitting

You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: "Masks optional", but if more people than expected show up, we might [...]

7–8:00am Morning chants and Sitting

You are welcome to join the morning chants and sitting practice at KCCL. Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also request you to wear masks to accommodate everyone [...]

9–11am Sitting Practice

Sitting Practice  Every Wednesday from 9:00am to 11:00am You can join the residents for our weekly Wednesday sitting practice sessions (shamatha-vipashyana mahamudra). The two sessions will start at 9am and at 10am. Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, [...]

5–6pm Sitting

You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: "Masks optional", but if more people than expected show up, we might [...]

7–8:00am Morning chants and Sitting

You are welcome to join the morning chants and sitting practice at KCCL. Please come if you are fully vaccinated, and please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Our new Covid policy is: “Masks optional”, but if more people than expected show up, we might also request you to wear masks to accommodate everyone [...]