Milarepa Day
KCCL , CanadaMilarepa Day February 21st 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Join us for Milarepa Day! This all day reading of The Rain of Wisdom is open to the public. The day begins with opening the Milarepa Sadhana and ends with closing it. Thus silence throughout the day is encouraged. Participants can join in at any time [...]
Shamatha-Vipashyana Mahamudra Intensive & talk by Lodrö Sangpo
KCCL , CanadaShamatha-Vipashyana Mahamudra Intensive (SVMI) Join us for a full day of practice and investigation! Brief description: Shamatha-Vipashyana Mahamudra is one of the three main tracks of KCCL and will therefore be scheduled on a monthly basis. Each SVMI has its own theme and will be introduced by a senior resident teacher or a guest teacher. This [...]
Vajrayoginī feast
KCCL , CanadaVajrayoginī feast Monthly Vajrayoginī feast practice, open to sādhakas who have received the Vajrayoginī abhiṣheka. Bring your liturgy and practice implements. $5 for participants contributing food to the pot-luck; $10 for participants who don't.
KCCL , CanadaSojong (Poṣhadha): The Meaning of Poṣhadha In Indian Hindu societies, members of the community regularly observe rites for renewing their connection with virtue. The days of the new and full moons are regarded as holy and set aside for purification of non-virtue and re-establishment of virtue. Those days, and the purification rites performed on those [...]
Monastic Training Day
KCCL , CanadaMonastic Training Day On this monthly Monastic Training Day, our first in Fall River, we will — in the morning (8 am to 11 am) — be studying and contemplating Lama Mipham's String of Gems, a commentary to Nagarjuna's Stanzas for a Novice Monk. The day will also include in the afternoon (2 pm to 5 [...]