2–7pm Chakrasamvara Online Feast (KCCL)

Chakrasamvara Online Feast Offered by the Halifax Vajra Sangha as a collaboration between the Halifax Shambhala Center, Shambhala Online, Ocean, and Karma Changchub Ling Hosted by KCCL and Ocean Saturday, January 23, from 2–7pm Atlantic Time Prerequisite: Open to sadhakas who have received the Chakrasamvara abhisheka, and have their own copy of the Sadhana of [...]

7:00–8:30pm ONLINE line-by-line class series of daily Vajrayogini self-visualization practice

ONLINE line-by-line class series of daily Vajrayogini self-visualization practice With Lodrö Sangpo Hosted by: OCEAN and KCCL Weekly 6-Class Online Series: Monday January 25, 2021 from 7:00–8:30pm (Atlantic Time) or 6:00–7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time Description: The goal of this class is to increase, on the one hand, our familiarity with the general layout and meaning of our [...]

Third Yarne (monastic winter retreat) at KCCL

Third Yarne (monastic winter retreat) at KCCL January 28 to February 10, 2021 Description: This retreat is open to whoever is seriously interested in focusing on practice and/or study for the duration of this retreat. Every day will open with a brief ceremony and close with protector chants. The periods outside of these two events [...]

5–6pm Sadhana of Mahamudra

Sadhana of Mahamudra Description: In the epilogue to this autobiographical book “Born in Tibet”, Trungpa Rinpoche describes the process prior to writing this sadhana in the cave of Taktsang, September 1968: “During my retreat at Tagtsang I was able to reflect on my life and particularly on how to propagate the dharma in the West. [...]

2:30–4:00pm ONLINE: The Absolute in Bite-Size

ONLINE: "The Absolute in Bite-Size" With Lodrö Sangpo Starting: Saturday, January 30, 2021, at 2:30pm Atlantic Time Description: In the upcoming six gatherings, we will be discussing the Absolute Bodhicitta Lojong [= Mind Training] Slogans as taught by Chekawa Yeshe Dorje in a step by step process with the goal to further stabilize the flash experience of [...]

7:00–8:30pm ONLINE line-by-line class series of daily Vajrayogini self-visualization practice

ONLINE line-by-line class series of daily Vajrayogini self-visualization practice With Lodrö Sangpo Hosted by: OCEAN and KCCL Weekly 6-Class Online Series: Monday, February 1, 2021 from 7:00–8:30pm (Atlantic Time) or 6:00–7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time Description: The goal of this class is to increase, on the one hand, our familiarity with the general layout and meaning of our [...]

2–7pm Vajrayogini Online Feast (KCCL)

Vajrayogini Online Feast Offered by the Halifax Vajra Sangha as a collaboration between the Halifax Shambhala Center, Shambhala Online, Ocean, and Karma Changchub Ling Hosted by KCCL and Ocean Saturday, February 6, from 2–7pm Prerequisite: Open to sadhakas who have received the Vajrayogini abhisheka, and have their own copy of the Sadhana of the Glorious Coemergent [...]

7:00–8:30pm ONLINE line-by-line class series of daily Vajrayogini self-visualization practice

ONLINE line-by-line class series of daily Vajrayogini self-visualization practice With Lodrö Sangpo Hosted by: OCEAN and KCCL Weekly 6-Class Online Series: Monday, February 8, 2021 from 7:00–8:30pm (Atlantic Time) or 6:00–7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time Description: The goal of this class is to increase, on the one hand, our familiarity with the general layout and meaning of our [...]

5–6pm Sadhana of Mahamudra

Sadhana of Mahamudra Description: In the epilogue to this autobiographical book “Born in Tibet”, Trungpa Rinpoche describes the process prior to writing this sadhana in the cave of Taktsang, September 1968: “During my retreat at Tagtsang I was able to reflect on my life and particularly on how to propagate the dharma in the West. [...]

9am New Year celebration at KCCL

New Year celebration at KCCL — Year of the Iron Ox Friday, February 12, 2021, starting at 9am Description: Please come and join us to have a good time and to welcome the Year of the Iron Ox. 108 gongs Lhasang (outdoors) I-ching Making aspirations Passing out the 2021 ritual lunar calendar (gift by Dzogchen Pönlop [...]

2:30–4:00pm ONLINE: The Absolute in Bite-Size

ONLINE: "The Absolute in Bite-Size" With Lodrö Sangpo Starting: Saturday, February 13, 2021, at 2:30pm Atlantic Time and 10:30 Pacific Time Description: In the upcoming six gatherings, we will be discussing the Absolute Bodhicitta Lojong [= Mind Training] Slogans as taught by Chekawa Yeshe Dorje in a step by step process with the goal to further stabilize [...]

7:00–8:30pm ONLINE line-by-line class: Inner Vajrayogini mandala; three kinds of Vajrayogini; etc.

ONLINE Vajrayogini line-by-line class: Inner Vajrayogini mandala; three kinds of Vajrayogini; five kinds of awakenings; abstract and anthropomorphic Vajrayogini.With Lodrö Sangpo Hosted by: OCEAN and KCCL Weekly 6-Class Online Series: Monday February 15, 2021 from 7:00–8:30pm (Atlantic Time) or 6:00–7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time Description: The goal of this class is to increase, on the one hand, our familiarity [...]