5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (śamatha-vipaśyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).

9am–5pm Śamatha-Vipaśyanā Intensive

This Intensive will include a short review of the śamatha-vipaśyana practice. Contact: kccl.contact@gmail.com; 902-576-3655 Who can attend this intensive: All different levels of practitioners. Location: KCCL. Suggested contribution: $10 (including lunch).

8–10am Vajrayoginī

Please feel free to join our daily Vajrayāna morning practice. We in general practice from 8–10am Vajrayoginī, but prior and post to the Cakrasaṃvara Feast Day and Intensive Day, we practice Chakrasaṃvara from 8–10am. And yes, on Wednesday mornings we have Mindfulness practice from 8–11am. Please check our monthly calendar for specifics: https://www.kccl.ca/events/month/ Whoever has received [...]

5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (śamatha-vipaśyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).

7–8:30pm Verse-by-Verse Vajrayoginī class

Verse-by-Verse Vajrayoginī class Monday, November 12, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm Description: This series of classes attempts to cover “new ground” for our Vajrayogini practice. Namely — based on modern oral and traditional written commentaries — it attempts to go through the entire sadhana verse by verse. Who can attend this class: Whoever has received Vajrayogini abhiṣheka. Since the classes [...]

8–10am Vajrayoginī

Please feel free to join our daily Vajrayāna morning practice. We in general practice from 8–10am Vajrayoginī, but prior and post to the Cakrasaṃvara Feast Day and Intensive Day, we practice Chakrasaṃvara from 8–10am. And yes, on Wednesday mornings we have Mindfulness practice from 8–11am. Please check our monthly calendar for specifics: https://www.kccl.ca/events/month/ Whoever has received [...]

5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (śamatha-vipaśyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).


Please join us for our weekly 8–11 am “mindfulness practice” sessions. Who can attend: Everybody. In particular, beginning students are welcome. If you need beginning instruction on mindfulness (= shamatha) practice, please get in touch with us beforehand. Even though mindfulness practice is, in comparison to tantric practice, a “quick entry” practice, it can also be seen as [...]

5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (śamatha-vipaśyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).

7–8:30pm Kagyü Ngöndro class: Ngöndro and the nature of mind

Description: This class will focus on various ways of working with the nature of mind by focusing on early instructions given by Trungpa Rinpoche. Who can attend: All tantrikas and sadhakas who have already received the nature of mind transmission. For those who still need it, included will also be the ngöndro reading transmission. Time: Wednesday, November 14, [...]


We will include in our usual 8–10am Cakrasaṃvara practice the black Jambhala (god of wealth) practice, which is traditionally practiced on the 8th and 28th day of the lunar month. The black Jambhala liturgy, called “The Heart of Siddhi”, is included in the Rinchen Terdzö, and derives from a longer term drawn out by the great tertön, Chökyi [...]