7pm: Kagyü ngöndro class

Dorje Loppön Eric Holm: Shamatha-Vipashyana and the Four Immeasurables in the Mahamudra style Location: Karma Changchub Ling, Fall River. Time & date: Thursday, June 23, 7:00–8:30 pm. Who can attend: Everyone who has already received transmission for ngöndro practice is welcome.


Sojong (Poṣhadha): The Meaning of Poṣhadha In Indian Hindu societies, members of the community regularly observe rites for renewing their connection with virtue. The days of the new and full moons are regarded as holy and set aside for purification of non-virtue and re-establishment of virtue. Those days, and the purification rites performed on those [...]

Master Hai Tao: The Awakening Mind – Bodhicitta

KCCL 5 Laura Court, Fall River, Nova Scotia B2T 1H7, Canada

We are very honored to be able to host the Venerable Master Hai Tao, who will teach about: The Awakening Mind – Bodhicitta", beginning at 10 am, in KCCL. Master Hai Tao is venerated throughout Asia for bringing the message of compassion to as many people as possible. A student of HH 17th Karmapa, the Ven. [...]

Sādhana of Mahāmudrā

The purpose of the sādhana: “[The Sādhana’s] purpose was to bring together the two great traditions of the Vajrayāna, as well as to exorcise the materialism which seemed to pervade spiritual disciplines in the modern world. The message that I had received from my supplication was that one must try to expose spiritual materialism and [...]