
Sitting You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). For more info: 902-454-5335;

Interested in Meditation?

INTERESTED IN MEDITATION? OPEN TO ALL Description: Karma Changchub Ling offers weekly meditation practice with instruction on Wednesday evenings. Every week we offer sitting and walking meditation as well a short reading about meditation followed by discussion. Meditation instruction will be offered upon request. If you are new to meditation you will learn the basics [...]


Sojong (Poṣhadha) & 15th day ceremony The Meaning of Poṣhadha In Indian Hindu societies, members of the community regularly observe rites for renewing their connection with virtue. The days of the new and full moons are regarded as holy and set aside for purification of non-virtue and re-establishment of virtue. Those days, and the purification [...]

Sadhana of Mahamudra (at KCCL)

Sadhana of Mahamudra (at KCCL) Thursday, January 25, from 5:00–6:00pm Description: In the epilogue to this autobiographical book “Born in Tibet”, Trungpa Rinpoche describes the process prior to writing this sadhana in the cave of Taktsang, September 1968: “During my retreat at Tagtsang I was able to reflect on my life and particularly on how [...]

Morning Practice

Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335;


Sitting You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). For more info: 902-454-5335;

Morning Practice

Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335;


Sitting You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). For more info: 902-454-5335;

Hybrid: “Basic Buddhism: an ABC approach” (2 of 8) with Lodrö Sangpo (at HSC)

“Basic Buddhism: an ABC approach” (2nd of 8 Monday classes) With Gelong Lodrö Sangpo Hosted by OCEAN, KCCL and HSC NOTICE THE CHANGE OF LOCATION TO: Halifax Shambhala Centre Monday, January 29, starting at 7:00pm (AT) Description: This weekly hybrid course (8 Monday classes) is geared towards both beginning and more seasoned practitioners. It will [...]

Morning Practice

Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335;


Sitting & Mamo Chants You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). For more info: 902-454-5335;

Morning Practice

Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335;