8–10am Vajrayoginī
Please feel free to join our daily Vajrayāna morning practice. We in general practice from 8–10am Vajrayoginī, but prior and post to the Cakrasaṃvara Feast Day and Intensive Day, we practice Chakrasaṃvara from 8–10am. And yes, on Wednesday mornings we have Mindfulness practice from 8–11am. Please check our monthly calendar for specifics: https://www.kccl.ca/events/month/ Whoever has received [...]
5–6pm Mindfulness
Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (śamatha-vipaśyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).
7–8:30pm Vajrayogini Gathering: Abhisheka section
Vajrayogini Gathering: The Abhisheka section Monday, April 22, from 7–8:30pm Description: The purpose of this gathering is to have a closer look at the Vajrayogini abhisheka section: looking at its structure and meaning, and how we can become more receptive for the key elements. Suggested Contribution: $ 5. Who can attend: Whoever has received Vajrayogini abhisheka: "the [...]