8–10am Vajrayoginī

Please feel free to join our daily Vajrayāna morning practice. We in general practice from 8–10am Vajrayoginī, but prior and post to the Chakrasaṃvara Feast Day and Intensive Day, we practice Chakrasaṃvara from 8–10am. And yes, on Wednesday mornings we have Mindfulness practice from 8–11am. Please check our monthly calendar for specifics: https://www.kccl.ca/events/month/ Whoever has received [...]

7–8:30pm VAJRAYOGINĪ class: Looking at and comparing the last three praises

Description: The class, taught by Gelong Lodrö Sangpo, will be based on Khenpo Karthar’s commentary on the four praises. Each class will focus on a particular topic which will be announced one or two weeks before the class. The topic on Monday, May 8,  will be: Looking at and Comparing the Last Three Praises of the [...]