6–8am Sojong (15)

Sojong (Poṣhadha): The Meaning of Poṣhadha In Indian Hindu societies, members of the community regularly observe rites for renewing their connection with virtue. The days of the new and full moons are regarded as holy and set aside for purification of non-virtue and re-establishment of virtue. Those days, and the purification rites performed on those [...]

9–11am Mindfulness practice & 5–6pm Sādhana of Mahāmudrā

Please join us for our weekly 8–11 am “mindfulness practice” sessions. Who can attend: Everybody. In particular, beginning students are welcome. If you need beginning instruction on mindfulness (= shamatha) practice, please get in touch with us beforehand. Even though mindfulness practice is, in comparison to tantric practice, a “quick entry” practice, it can also be seen [...]

5–6pm Sādhana of Mahāmudrā

The purpose of the sādhana: “[The Sādhana’s] purpose was to bring together the two great traditions of the Vajrayāna, as well as to exorcise the materialism which seemed to pervade spiritual disciplines in the modern world. The message that I had received from my supplication was that one must try to expose spiritual materialism and [...]

7–8:30pm Liturgy and View of the Fire Pūja

On request, this class is offered as a preparation for people who want to participate in the upcoming Magnetizing Vajrayoginī Fire Offering at Dorje Denma Ling from April 28–30, but also for whoever has interest to find out more about this practice and is eligible to participate in Fire Offerings.