Hybrid: Chakrasamvara Feast (at KCCL)
Hybrid: Chakrasamvara Feast (at KCCL) “In-person” at “KCCL” and “online” with “OCEAN” Sunday, March 9, from 2:00pm to 7:00pm Atlantic Time Prerequisite: Open to sadhakas who have received the Chakrasamvara abhisheka, and have their own copy of the Sadhana of the Five Devas of Chakrasamvara composed by Karmapa VIII. Registration: There is no charge to register for [...]
Morning Sitting
Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com
Morning Sitting
Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com
Wednesday Morning Sitting Practice
Wednesday Morning Sitting Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents: 7:00–8:00 Opening chants and sitting 8:00 Breakfast 9:00–9:45 Sitting 9:45–10:00 Walking 10:00–10:45 Sitting You can join for any part of the above practices. For more information: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com.
Sitting You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). For more info: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com.
Wednesday Evening Meditation at KCCL
Wednesday Evening Meditation at KCCL From 7:00 to 8:15 PM Prerequisite: This event is open to everyone.
Morning Sitting
Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com
Sadhana of Mahamudra (at KCCL)
Sadhana of Mahamudra Thursday, March 13, from 5–6:00pm In-person only at KCCL Who can attend: Everyone is welcome.
Founding Figures of the Kagyü and Nyingma Lineages (6 of 8)
Founding Figures of the Kagyü and Nyingma Lineages Their Life Stories & Power Places & Key Teachings with Gelong Lodrö Sangpo at KCCL and Online with OCEAN Thursday, March 13, at 7pm AT (6 of 8) Prerequisite: Open to all Description: This course will present the life stories of Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, and [...]
Morning Practice
Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com
Morning Practice
Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com
Sitting You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). For more info: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com.