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Outer, inner and secret levels of mindfulness practice (6 of 6)

Taught by Lodro Sangpo 

February 20, from 7–8:30pm

Description: Although there are many styles of mindfulness practice, they can be distinguished into three: (1) the “Classical”, (2) the “Nondual” and (3) the “Contemporary”. This course will mainly focus (1) on the “classical” Buddhist mindfulness style which is rooted in the Abhidharma and which mostly occurs when there is a subject-object duality, and (2) on the “nondual” Buddhist mindfulness style—as found in Mahamudra and Dzogchen—in which the meditator cultivates states without any subject-object duality. We will also keep an eye open towards the “contemporary” mindfulness style.

Who can attend: Everyone (beginners and so-called wise ones)

How to register: Go to the Ocean courses page: https://ocean.chronicleproject.com/upcoming-courses/

Time: Monday February 20, from 7–8:30pm ADT (6–7:30 EDT)

Cost: Suggested donation: $60.

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