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First “Getting Ready Day”
Sunday, March 28, from 10:00am to 3:30pm; Sadhana of Mahamudra at 4:00pm; you can join for parts

Description: Please help us start closing the mandala in Fall River: We want to clean sections of the Fall River house and pack things into boxes and containers so that they can be put into our garage for ready pick-up.
In our transition period from April 16 to April 30, we expect there to be daily trips back and forth to 871 since we expect that some of us will take residence in 871 on April 16 and some of us at the end of April. Thus the “moving” of much of the content to 871 will be gradual, whereas the big bulky stuff will be moved on one day at the end of April.

Contact: Although everyone is in principle welcome to come and help out, but since we will be following COVID guidelines, we request you to first contact us before coming so that we can confirm that we can accommodate everyone “safely”: 902-576-3655; kccl.contact@gmail.com.


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