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Milarepa Day

“In person” at HSC and “online” with Ocean

Milarepa Day, Saturday, February 24th celebrates the enlightenment and life example of Milarepa, one of Tibet’s most famous and beloved yogi-practitioners. Milarepa is known for achieving enlightenment in one lifetime, exemplifying the fruits of perseverance. Practice needs a strong heart – then enlightenment is possible!
The celebration involves gathering to read and chant aloud the Rain of Wisdom, a book of stories, poems, and songs from the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, including Tilopa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, Mikyo Dorje, and Chogyam Trungpa. Milarepa Day is an opportunity to experience a taste of the profundity, joy, heartbreak, and humour of the spiritual journey.
  • No prior practice or study necessary to attend or to enjoy!
  • The readings will begin at 9am and continue on, with breaks, until 9pm (or earlier if we complete the book).
  • You may arrive at any time and join for as long as you wish.
  • Event is in the Main Shrine Room, with chairs and meditation cushions available for sitting.
  • Copies of the book will be available to use. If you own a copy, please bring it with you.


This is a hybrid event, offered in collaboration with Ocean. Those joining online are welcome to listen or read along if they have a copy of the book.

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