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A Chat about Meditation — Based on Longchenpa
With Lama Ngodup Dorji

“In person” only event

Saturday, September 16, starting at 4pm

At KCCL in Mahasangha shrine room

Lama Ngodup Dorji is the XVth lineage lama of Shingkhar in Bumthang, Bhutan. Shingkhar Dechenling is one of the eight important places established by Omniscient Longchenpa in Bhutan in the 1350s. He also graduated in 1995 with a Master’s Degree in Buddhist Philosophy from Ngagyur Nyingma Institute, established by H.H. Penor Rimpoche in India. He is the founder and chair of Ati Foundation and Longchenpa Center. At present, he is also the National Nyingma Representative to the Commission for Religious Organizations of Bhutan (CROB).
KCCL is honored to be able to host Lama Ngodup Dorje for this gathering on meditation based on Longchenpa.
This will be an “in person” only event.

Who can attend: Everyone. But if possible, please let us know beforehand if you plan to attend so that we can make proper arrangements. There will be tea and snacks afterwards.

Location: Mahsangha shrine room at Karma Changchub Ling, 871 Young Avenue. Please enter through the garden floor entry.

For more information:  kccl.contact@gmail.com; 902-454-5335. Find our monthly calendar here: https://www.kccl.ca/events/month/

Time: Saturday, September 16, starting at 4pm.

Cost: By voluntary donation.

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