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With June Crow and Drime Shiwa

Every Wednesday evening from 7–8pm.

Starting on November 15 through December 20

OPEN TO ALL: You can join at any time.

LOCATION: 871 Young Avenue, Halifax.

Karma Changchub Ling offers weekly “in person” meditation practice with instruction on Wednesday evenings.

Over the course of those 6 weeks we intend to cover the basics of meditation: posture, object of meditation, how to hold your mind, obstacles to meditation and how to deal with them. There will also be short readings about meditation from various teachers, followed by a discussion.

The sessions will be led by June Crow and Drime Shiwa, both experienced meditation instructors. They can give instruction if you have never meditated before or if you wish to renew your practice.

Karma Changchub Ling is a Buddhist meditation center with a monastic core. For more info about KCCL please visit our website:  www.kccl.ca.

Contact: kccl.contact@gmail.com / Phone: 902-454-5335.

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