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Hybrid: Step-by-step ritual training sessions for new and old sadhakas
In-person at KCCL and online with OCEAN

Guided by Gelong Lodrö Sangpo 

Time: Every Monday, from 7pm to 8pm

Description: Weekly training sessions for new and old sadhakas who wish to learn or refine their ritual skills: bell, damaru, drumming, chanting, mudras, tormas, shrine set up, how to fix your musical instruments, etc.

Registration: There is no charge to register for these ritual training sessions. However, to access the weekly online sessions, you need to be logged into Ocean. If you already have an Ocean account, log in here. If you do not have an Ocean account, please register here. It’s free and easy to do. The online event will occur in the OCEAN “Feast Shrine Room” which can be accessed here:


If you plan to attend “in person”, please contact KCCL: 902 454 5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com

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