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Hybrid: Lodrö Thaye’s Guru Yoga Calling the Guru From Afar.
Taught by Dungse Lama Pema

Hosted by KCCL and OCEAN
Tuesday, September 3, starting at 7pm (Atlantic Time)

Description: Dungse Lama Pema is the head resident lama of the Thrangu monastery in Vancouver and the chief representative of Thrangu Rinpoche for North America. You can find more information about Lama Pema here.
Lama Pema will provide a commentary on this very famous and important Guru Yoga by Lodrö Thaye. In addition, he will also give the lung for the Guru Yoga (“Invoking Compassion Swiftly”) of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche which was composed by His Holiness Karmapa.
You can find good source materials for both of these Guru Yogas on KCCL’s homepage: https://www.kccl.ca/
Time: Tuesday, September 3, starting at 3:00 PM Pacific; 4:00 PM Mountain; 5:00 PM Central; 6:00 PM Eastern; 7:00 PM Atlantic; 11:00 PM London; 12:00 Midnight CEST
Who can attend: This talk is open to everyone.
How to log on “online”: Info will be coming forward soon.


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