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Hybrid: Chakrasamvara Druppa for Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche on the Occasion of his Cremation
November 2 to 4, 2023

Main Shrine Room of Halifax Shambhala Centre or Online with OCEAN

Description: On June 26, Thrangu Tashi Choling Monastery wrote:

An Announcement for All Those Around the World Who Have a Connection of Any Sort with the Lord of Refuge Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Our precious teacher, the Lord of Refuge Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche passed into parinirvana on a very holy day, the anniversary of day when the Buddha Shakyamuni himself passed into parinirvana. …
On the suggestion of the Gyalwang Karmapa, in order for Rinpoche’s students who live far away to have an opportunity to pay their respects to his kudung (precious remains) and gather the accumulation of merit by making offerings to it, the kudung will be preserved until November. At the end, there will be a week-long Chakrasamvara Grand Puja, starting on October 29, 2023, and ending on Saturday, November 4, the festival of the Buddha’s Descent from Heaven, the 22nd day of the ninth Tibetan month. On that day, Rinpoche’s kudung will be cremated at the sacred site of Namo Buddha. All of Rinpoche’s students and everyone who has faith in or any connection with Rinpoche is welcome to attend.

The Halifax Buddhist community has therefore decided “to mirror” these events by conducting a three day Chakrasamvara Druppa (open to Chakrasamvara practitioners) and Guru Yoga sessions for three days (open to everyone), from November 2 to 4. Please put these events in your calendar, and let’s all join together to honor this most venerable teacher of teachers, Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche.

The 3 days Chakrasamvara Druppa, from November 2 to 4, has two daily sessions where we chant each day through the entire feast liturgy, however with slightly different times.
The times for the first two days, November 2 and 3, are as follows:

  • Morning Session: 9:30 – noon (AT)
  • Afternoon Session: 2:00 – 6:00 pm (AT)

The times for the final day, November 4, are as follows:

  • Morning Session: 9:30 – noon (AT)
  • Afternoon Session: 1:00 – 6:00 pm (AT)

The final day is the actual cremation day, which is also a very auspicious day, namely, Lhabab Düchen—one of the four major Buddhist festivals commemorating the Buddha’s return to earth after teaching the Dharma to his mother in the God Realm of the Thirty-Three. On this final day, we will again chant through the entire feast liturgy, but this time we will pass around the abhisheka implements which are not passed around during the first two days.
Notice that the lunch break on the final day is shorter. We therefore encourage “in person” participants to bring their own lunch, so we can keep the lunch hour as short as planned, which will allow us to have more time left for stories during the feast.
Who can attend: Open only to sadhakas who have received the Chakrasamvara abhisheka, and have their own copy of the Sadhana of the Five Devas of Chakrasamvara composed by Karmapa VIII.
Registration: Whether you join “in person” at the Halifax Shambhala Centre or “online” with OCEAN for the entire druppa or for individual sessions, you need to register with Anky Aarts: 3aarts@gmail.com
To join the Zoom meeting online:

Location: Main shrine room at HSC or Online with Ocean.
For more info: kccl.contact@gmail.com, 902-454-533; or 3aarts@gmail.com
Suggested Contribution: $10 per day for “in person” participation. For the final feast, on November 4, we encourage “in person” participants to bring a food contribution.

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