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“Basic Buddhism: an ABC approach” (8th of 8 Monday classes)

With Gelong Lodrö Sangpo

Hosted by OCEAN and KCCL

Monday, March 11, starting at 7:00pm (AT)

Description: This weekly hybrid course (8 Monday classes) is geared towards both beginning and more seasoned practitioners. It will be based on both the “basic” early teachings of Trungpa Rinpoche in “Cutting through Spiritual Materialism”, “Myth of Freedom”, etc., as well as “basic” cornerstone (= ABC) teachings and practices of Mahamudra.

Time: The weekly Monday classes will start on January 22, at 7pm (AT), and will end Monday, March 11.

Who can attend: Open to all. People can join “online” with Ocean and “in person” at KCCL.

Registration and further information: You will soon be able to register with OCEAN. In the meantime, you can register and receive further information with KCCL at 902 454 5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com.

Cost: By donation. Suggested $80.

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