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Chakrasamvara Drupchen
From Sunday March 20 to Saturday March 26

Drupchen – “great practice” – is a group Chakrasamvara sadhana practice that the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa requested to be performed each year after Milarepa Day. The practice will run from Sunday March 20 – Saturday, March 26, with set-up on March 19. It will take place in the Halifax shrine room around the existing Chakrasamvara sand mandala and a feast shrine. Daily practice sessions will run 9am until 12:30, and 2pm until 5:50pm. Special teaching sessions: TBA.

Chakrasamvara practitioners are encouraged to come together to review, renew and celebrate.

Help is needed with set-up, feast food, as well as the different positions of chöppön, umdze and dorje loppon throughout the drupchen.  There will be a rota, which will be part of everyone’s participation. If you would like to sign up in advance for your preferences for the Rota, please contact Deborah Jones at deborahjs108@gmail.com.

Suggested donation of $10 daily to cover feast expenses.

Open to sadhakas having received the Chakrasamvara Abhisheka. Registering for in-person attendance is required on the Halifax Shambhala Centre website, to have a sense of numbers for set-up as well as food purchases. https://halifax.shambhala.org/program-details/?id=517500

For online participation, registration should become soon available with OCEAN.

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