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Vajrayoginī class: Training in bell, damaru, drum

This “new” Vajrayoginī class will be an ongoing class in the next one or two months. Exact dates of the classes and specific topics of the first few classes will be determined soon.

The main occasion for the class is to introduce new Vajrayoginī sādhakas into the Vajrayoginī practice as well as giving old and new sādhakas a chance to venture into the basic feast roles of being a dorje loppön, umdze, chöpön, assistant chöpön.

The class is also intended to train in:

  • setting up a feast shrine
  • learning how to play bell and damaru
  • learning how to play the cymbals and drums
  • learning how to make tormas (Vajrayoginī torma, dzog torma, preliminary torma (= gek), naivedya, etc.
  • learning how to make the sindura maṇḍala
  • learning how to design and make a sand maṇḍala

Each class will focus on a particular topic which will be announced one or two weeks before the class.

Who can attend this class: Whoever has received Vajrayoginī abhiṣheka. People do not need to come to all classes but can choose classes of their interest.

Time of first class: 7–8:30pm on November 22. 

Topic: Learning how to play bell and damaru properly; learning how to play the drum.

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