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Description: The main occasion for the class is to introduce new Vajrayoginī sādhakas to the Vajrayoginī practice as well as giving old and new sādhakas a chance to venture into the basic feast roles of being a dorje loppön, umdze, chöpön, assistant chöpön, and to present the basic view of the Vajrayoginī practice as presented by Trungpa Rinpoche in his marvelous article: “Sacred Outlook. The Vajragoginī Shrine and Practice”.

Each class will focus on a particular topic which will be announced one or two weeks before the class. The topic on January 30 will be once again: (1) clear appearance and (2) recollection of purity. We will be using as source texts Pawo Tsuglag Trengwa’s “Recitation of Clearly Visualizing the Body” and oral instructions by Khenpo Karthar.

Who can attend this class: Whoever has received Vajrayoginī abhiṣheka, i.e., old and new students.

Time: 7–8:30pm on January 30. Please be on time.

Location: KCCL.

Cost: $5.

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