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HYBRID EVENT: Key Figures of the Mahamudra Lineage Tree 
Taught by Lodrö Sangpo
Open to everyone
Hosted by Ocean
Four weekly Monday classes, starting April 11, from 7:00–8:30 pm

In this course we will discuss and explore many of the Mahamudra lineage holders — their bios and uniqueness — as found in the Kagyu lineage tree. This class is geared toward shamatha-vipashyana students and ngöndro students, but sadhakas are of course also welcome.
In general, it is said in the Kagyu Takpo lineage supplication that devotion is the head of meditation. But in order to generate this devotion we need to be able to intuit this link, and in order to do this spontaneously, it is helpful to know more about the lives of “our heroes”, so to speak, and what they stand for.

You can register here: https://ocean.chronicleproject.com/courses/key-figures-of-the-mahamudra-lineage-tree/#tab-course-section__overview

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