7–8:30 New Kagyü Ngöndro class for old and new students
September 27, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Description: Please join us for this ngöndro gathering, which will be the first ngöndro event of a new ngöndro class.
Lodrö Sangpo will first present a general overview of the ngöndro practice, which will be followed by a group discussion regarding what topics would be good to present in this class, i.e., what is needed and wished for by people who are already engaged in the various ngöndro practices. We will also discuss the timing of future regular ngöndro practice events.
At the same time, since a few people expressed the wish to start out the Kagyü ngöndro practice, we will discuss when to schedule the “transmission(s)” necessary to start up the practice.
Depending on the outcome of these discussions, we will then determine whether it would be good to schedule two classes, i.e., one for beginning students and one for older students, or whether it would be possible to combine the interests within one series of classes. We will also discuss during this class what would be the best days to have ngöndro classes.
Who can attend: Whoever has received ngöndro transmission or has intention to start up this practice.
Requisites for beginning students: refuge and bodhisattva vows, and a good exposure to shamatha/vipashyana practice, as well as a basic understanding of buddhism (four noble truths, etc.).
Time: Wednesday, September 26, from 7pm to 8:30pm.
Please let us know if you intend to join the event.
In case you have scheduling issues for this event, please let us know and Lodrö Sangpo can meet with you privately.
Phone: 902 576 3655; e-mail: kccl.contact@kccl.ca