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Sadhana of Mahamudra

Monday, September 6, from 5:00–6:00pm

Description: In the epilogue to this autobiographical book “Born in Tibet”, Trungpa Rinpoche describes the process prior to writing this sadhana in the cave of Taktsang, September 1968:

“During my retreat at Tagtsang I was able to reflect on my life and particularly on how to propagate the dharma in the West. I invoked Guru Rinpoche and the Kagyü forefathers to provide vision for the future. For a few days nothing happened. Then there came a jolting experience of the need to develop more openness and greater energy. At the same time there arose a feeling of deep devotion to Karma Pakshi, the second Karmapa, and to Guru Rinpoche. I realized that in fact these two were one in the unified tradition of mahamudra and ati. Filled with the vivid recognition of them and their oneness, I composed in two days the Sadhana of Mahamudra, of twenty-four pages.”

If weather allows, we will be practicing in our new Buddha garden. If not, we will be practicing inside in our temporary shrine room on the main floor.
Before coming please contact us so that we can confirm that we can accommodate everyone “safely”: 902-454-5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com 
For checking on the weather conditions, see: https://weather.gc.ca/forecast/hourly/ns-19_metric_e.html

Who can attend: Everyone is welcome.

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