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Mind and its World & Shamatha and Vipashyana Practice (Class 1 of 6)

This is an Online class but you can also attend in person at KCCL

With Lodrö Sangpo

Starting Saturday, October 9, at 2:30pm Atlantic Time

Description: We will cover in this class the embodied Mind, i.e., the five skandhas, and its perception, i.e., the perceived or the environment.
In its interaction with the environment, mental afflictions (kleshas) will occur or wisdom will occur. Both will be dealt with through shamatha and vipashyana practice.
We will be looking at our mind not only from a short term perspective but also from a long term perspective, since the latter keeps us on track both in terms of “not too tight and not too loose”.
Ideally speaking the shamatha and vipashyana practice is geared towards “getting you ready for whatever you encounter”.

Who can attend: Open to all.

Registration: You can register here: https://sf.shambhala.org/program-details/?id=488121

Time: Saturday, October 9; Sunday, October 10; Sunday, October 17; Saturday, October 23; Sunday, October 24; Saturday  October 30. All classes start at 10:30 AM Pacific; 2:30 PM Atlantic Time.

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