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ONLINE: “The Absolute in Bite-Size

With Lodrö Sangpo
Starting: Saturday, February 13, 2021, at 2:30pm Atlantic Time and 10:30 Pacific Time

Description: In the upcoming six gatherings, we will be discussing the Absolute Bodhicitta Lojong [= Mind Training] Slogans as taught by Chekawa Yeshe Dorje in a step by step process with the goal to further stabilize the flash experience of absolute bodhicitta.

Dzigar Kongrul writes (in The Intelligent Heart):

“The practice of bodhicitta, [i.e.,] the mind-set of awakening, includes two inseparable aspects: relative and absolute bodhicitta.

    • Relative bodhicitta, which arises out of love and compassion, is the aspiration to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.
    • Absolute bodhicitta is the direct insight into the empty [or momentary] nature of all phenomena. […]

Most teachings on bodhicitta begin with the relative aspect, since it is more accessible and easier to train in. In his Seven Points of Mind Training [Lojong], however, Chekawa Yeshe Dorje begins with absolute bodhicitta. His reason is that if we can start off with some basic feel for emptiness [or momentariness], we can begin loosening our grasping to ourselves and phenomena as real. … So even though we may not fully realize emptiness [or momentariness] by studying these initial slogans, they help to set the tone for the entire path and to give us a sense of how deep our insights can go if we continue to practice. […] The absolute bodhicitta slogans give a step-by-step method for understanding emptiness [or momentariness] at increasingly subtle levels.”

Who can attend: Everyone
Time: 10:30 Pacific; 11:30 PM Mountain; 12:30 PM Central; 1:30 PM Eastern; 2:30 PM Atlantic; 6:30 PM London; 7:30 PM CEST
Host: San Francisco Shambhala Center
Cost and Registration: Information about how to register will be forthcoming shortly

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