2–7pm Vajrayogini Feast

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Vajrayogini Feast (online, or in person at KCCL)

Hosted by HSC and Ocean

Sunday, April 24, from 2–7pm Atlantic Time

Prerequisite: Open to sadhakas who have received the Vajrayogini abhisheka, and have their own copy of the Sadhana of the Glorious Coemergent Mother, by the Sixth Karmapa, Thongwa Tönden.

Registration: There is no charge to register for this feast. To access the feast, you need to be logged into Ocean. If you already have an Ocean account, log in here. If you do not have an Ocean account, please register here. It’s free and easy to do. The access link will be the following: https://ocean.chronicleproject.com/shrine-room/

If you plan to attend in person at KCCL, please contact us beforehand, if possible: 902 454 5335; kccl.contact@gmail.com

Time: Sunday, April 24: 10:00 AM Pacific; 11:00 AM Mountain; 12:00 PM Central; 1:00 PM Eastern; 2:00 PM Atlantic; 6:00 PM London; 7:00 PM CEST

Further information:  If need be, you can also contact KCCL: 902 454 5335;  kccl.contact@gmail.com

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