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“Everything flows”: The Ground (1 of 2)

Basic views on the nature of mind in the context of momentariness

Description: Although our mind appears to us usually to be single and enduring: “Hey, it’s me!”, when looking closer it becomes quickly evident that being ourselves is a pretty complex affair, with lots of layers, views, feelings and moods, problems and possible solutions — the usual “up and down”.

  • Thus, who are we really? Are we heading anywhere? And are we even supposed to head anywhere?
  • What role does or could or should “meditation” play in this context?

In the first of the two gatherings of “Everything flows” we will attempt to look at where we find ourselves right now and what role meditation and post-mediation can play with this:

  • Are we feeling lost or doing o.k. or just getting by? How workable are things for us?
  • Do we need further support and if yes, what kind of support would be helpful?

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