
11 03, 2022

Raising the first traditional Torii gate in Halifax

2022-07-25T15:04:02-03:00March 11th, 2022|

Very delightful Shambhala Day celebration at KCCL. For whoever missed this lovely event, which included the raising of the first traditional Torii gate in Halifax, here is the URL of Bob Zimmerman’s video of it: You can also click on the Torii photo (just above) to start the video. What is a torii? The [...]

12 12, 2021

Message by HH Karmapa on the occasion of the 90th birthday of HE Thrangu Rinpoche

2022-07-26T08:53:33-03:00December 12th, 2021|

On the occasion of our great spiritual friend Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche turning ninety, I would like to express my prayer and aspiration that he may live a healthy life even longer than a mountain’s. There is a sutra that says, “He has built the boat of dharma, beaten the drum of dharma, blown the [...]

1 12, 2021

KCCL “Heart in the City” Video

2022-07-27T12:46:35-03:00December 1st, 2021|

Watch Karma Changchub Ling Young Avenue visual tour (produced by Bob Zimmerman) so that you can see what has been accomplished and is in the works. All of this was completed at lower cost than estimated due to the extensive volunteer efforts and donations of furnishings and materials by local sangha members. [...]

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