7–8:30pm Kagyü Ngöndro class: Receiving the transmissions for the Ngöndro practice
October 24, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Description: This class will provide the necessary transmissions to be able to take up the ngöndro practice.
Who can attend: Whoever wants to start up the Kagyü ngöndro practice and fulfills the below mentioned requirements. In addition all Tantrikas and Sadhakas who have already received these transmissions and would like “to refresh” them can participate.
Requisites for beginning students: refuge and bodhisattva vows, and a good exposure to shamatha/vipashyana practice, as well as a basic understanding of buddhism (four noble truths, etc.).
Time:Wednesday, October 24, from 7pm to 8:30pm.
Suggested contribution:$5
Contact: Please let us know if you intend to join this special event. kccl.contact@gmail.com; 902-576-3655.
Parking: Upper area at Milarepa house.