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Mark your calendar for the weekend of April 15-17 in Halifax!

Dzogchen Ponlop will visit Halifax in April 2016 to offer a weekend workshop based on his forthcoming book Emotional Rescue: How to Work with Your Emotions to Transform Hurt and Confusion into Energy that Empowers You.

Can you control your emotions—or do your emotions control you? Though most of us would like to boast that we’ve got things under control, the reality is that we’re often at the mercy of our emotional tides. Mastering that ocean is no easy task but it’s one that Dzogchen Ponlop says is crucial. 

The workshop will offer a fresh approach to anyone interested in their habitual response to the turmoil, stress, and attachment of human emotions — parents, students, couples or anyone working in the fields of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, psychology, wellness and health-care.

The weekend program begins with a public talk on Friday evening ($20), followed by morning and afternoon sessions on Saturday 16 April and a morning session on Sunday 17 April ($145). A generosity policy is offered for those unable to pay the full workshop fee.

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