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This Ngöndro Intensive is designed to allow ngöndro students to do a lot of practice with the support of other ngöndro students.

Can new students join?

When discussing recently our tantric track with Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, it was decided that Lodrö Sangpo can give the ngöndro reading transmission to students who have a good background in shamatha practice and have been exposed to the study of the fundamentals of the Buddhist teachings. If you think you fall into this category and are interested to start the Kagyü ngöndro, please contact: lodro.sangpo@kccl.ca.

img_20160917_141231Practice environment:

With the establishment of our new shrine room in Milarepa house (see photo), we presently have at least two shrine rooms available for this Ngöndro Intensive.

Practice times: There will be two three hour practice blocks: 9–12am and 2–5pm. If possible come for both, however, you can also join in for just one block.

Cost: Suggested $20 which includes lunch and dinner.

What about the old ngöndro class?

We have plans to rejuvenate our old ngöndro class which was put on hold during the dying process of Venerable Migme Chödrön. We will announce the date and time of this ngöndro class in the coming weeks.

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