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Hybrid: Guru Yoga in Honor of Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche: 

  • Guru Yoga of the Four Sessions by Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, Saturday, July 15, from 7–8pm

Hosted by KCCL and OCEAN

You can join “in person” at Karma Changchub Ling or “online” with OCEAN. To join the Zoom meeting:

All are welcome, and the text will be scrolled on the screen.

For further information: kccl.contact@gmail.com; 902-454-5335

The next guru yoga event will be on Saturday, July 22, which will be the 49th day of Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche’s parinirvana. Details for this event will be forthcoming soon.

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