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Please notice that the specific details for this event will soon be announced.

The event will be hosted by Ocean and KCCL, and will include two brief presentations (including a slide show) by Professor Andrew Quintman from Wesleyan University who travelled extensively in Tibetan and visited many of the places where Milarepa practiced. Andrew has published two books related with Milarepa: (1) an English translation of The Life of Milarepa (Penguin Classics) and (2) a literary history of the story (The Yogin and the Madman) (Columbia University Press).

We will open the day with reciting the Milarepa Sadhana, then chant a good number of sections from the Rain of Wisdom (Kagyü Gürtso), and then close with the Milarepa Sadhana.

These texts will be scrolled on screen for the participants.


As said, more specific details will be coming forth soon.

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