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New Year celebration at KCCL — Year of the Iron Ox

Friday, February 12, 2021, starting at 9am

Description: Please come and join us to have a good time and to welcome the Year of the Iron Ox.

  • 108 gongs
  • Lhasang (outdoors)
  • I-ching
  • Making aspirations
  • Passing out the 2021 ritual lunar calendar (gift by Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche) to participants and KCCL friends
  • Coffee, snack, cake, refreshments, music, etc.

Who can attend: Everyone: Old and young, etc. People should be able to join “safely” and with good “social distancing” outdoors for the lhasang ceremony; if you want to stay on for the indoors activities, please notify us beforehand so that we can make sure that we all can gather “safely”.
We recently received a gift of 50 ritual lunar calendar booklets from Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche, which we would like to pass out during the New Year celebrations.
Contact: kccl.contact@gmail.com;  902-576-3655. If possible let us know whether you plan to come; if not, simply come.

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