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Third Yarne (monastic winter retreat) at KCCL
January 28 to February 10, 2021

Description: This retreat is open to whoever is seriously interested in focusing on practice and/or study for the duration of this retreat. Every day will open with a brief ceremony and close with protector chants. The periods outside of these two events are open to personal pursuit in terms of practice or study, or, if people wish, to group efforts in these areas. At the same time, since we will be moving in March/April to 871 Young Avenue, the KCCL residents might occasionally have to meet to deal with “things” related to that move.

Who can attend: Everyone, whether monastic or lay practitioner. People can join in for the entire retreat or for whole day(s). People can either stay at KCCL or commute to KCCL on a daily basis.

Contact: For further questions about specifics: kccl.contact@gmail.com;  902-576-3655.

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