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Buddha Śākyamuni’s Descent from the Heaven of the Thirty-three (Lhabab Düchen)

Saturday, November 7 from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Please join us in conducting the Buddha sādhana feast in commemoration of Buddha Śākyamuni’s Descent from the Heaven of the Thirty-three (Trāyatriṃśa) where he gave teachings to benefit the gods in the desire realm and to repay the kindness of his mother by liberating her from Saṃsāra. This is one of the four great Buddhist yearly festivals.

The effects of positive or negative actions are supposed to be multiplied ten million times on this day. It is part of Tibetan Buddhist tradition to engage in virtuous activities and prayer on this day.

Food: The event will include a “feast” section (i.e., lunch). We will provide the main meal, but additional food offerings are welcome.

Who can attend: Everybody. We are able to “safely” (i.e., 6 feet distance) accommodate (in our main shrine room) 4 to 6 people in addition to our residents. Please let us know soon whether you plan to attend.

Contact: kccl.contact@gmail.com;  902-576-3655.

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